Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Thing #5

I played with a bunch of Flickr mashups last Friday.

I looked at: Flickrslidr.com -- makes a slideshow of selected pictures, sets or groups.

PictoBrowser -- allows display of flickr pics on a site or blog.

Mosaica -- creates a screensaver with your flickr pictures that morphs into a changing mosaic.

PrintrKillr -- is supposed to create instant calendars or playing cards, but couldn't locate my flickr acct.

FlickrPostcard Browser -- This app finds pictures by tags, and puts them up one-at-a-time on a black background. Reminds me of an old time photo album. Maybe my favorite of all those I played with.

I also played around with Trading Card Maker. I used one of the picture of Sarah and her friends and made it into a playing card. It was very cool. I was trying to make one of myself using my Yahoo avatar, but couldn't quite get everything to work correctly.
I also joined some groups, but don't think I'll use this feature much. I rarely even look at my own photos, much less someone else's.
I joined:
Libraries and Librarians
Wellesley College
San Francisco Architecture

Thing #4

I played around on Flickr yesterday and uploaded some pictures of Sarah at college into my account. I made it private because it's only for our family and friends, and I can add them as they create accounts. It was suprisingly easy to use, and I was amazed how simple it was to upload pictures. I'm going to send the photos from our different summer trips up here, then they will be easy to share with friends.

Saturday, May 26, 2007

Things #2 & #3

Done. I even got a nice note from someone at InfoPeople welcoming me to the project. I just went to the InfoPeople 23 Things Challenge main page and saw my blog added to the Blog roll. How official am I???

I just got my summer work schedule from the community college where I am an adjunct librarian. I want to be sure to mention this project when I email the director to let him know I'm pursuing my own professional development over the summer; especially since it's in an area the college is very interested in moving towards: emerging technologies and their impact on the library.

I've gotten way behind on posting, but hope to catch up this weekend.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Webcast: Web 2.0: What library managers need to know

I've decided to use this blog as a learning blog to help me reminder all the tools I'll be looking at in the next few weeks. I viewed Helene Blowers' webcast last night and was seriously impressed. I actually started taking notes so I wouldn't forget items I wanted to investigate later. I'm going to type my notes in here, so I can have access to them, one of the ideas suggested in the program.

Web 2.0
  • collaborating and sharing information online.
  • "harnessing the collective intelligence." Tim O'Reilly, who coined the term.


  • Look at: http://www.blogwithoutalibrary.net/links/, the Blogging Libraries Wiki
  • Use a Wiki for a subject guide
  • Try a book lover wiki for book reviews linked from the library website
  • Wiki's can "roll back" revisions made
  • You can set up to get an email each time the wiki, or a part of it you designate, has been edited
  • A wiki about how libraries are using wiki's - http://www.libsuccess.org/


  • Really Simple Syndication
  • Good tool to help stay on top of news and issues
  • Need a newsreader to make this happen. Yahoo is the most popular one.
  • Tecnorati.com can search the "blogosphere" to see if your library has been mentioned in anyone's blog


Social Networking

  • MySpace, FaceBook, etc.
  • Another good way to connect with teens
  • Can create a teen MySpace page for your library. Has been successful for some libraries.
  • You can create your own social network using Ning: http://library20.ning.com/

Blowers suggests becoming a Knowledge Player, who plays with emerging technologies without having to become an expert on them.

Five Tips

  1. Play for 15 minutes each day
  2. subscribe to a few blogs to stay current
  3. Tag "Play" sites in your Delicious account
  4. Create a learning blog. (HERE)
  5. Play!!!

Suggested Blogs:

http://librarianinblack.typepad.com/librarianinblack/ Librarian
in black: new tools and insights

http://www.wired.com/ : Wired.com news
feed: tech. news

http://www.web2learning.net/ What I
learned today: new tools

http://www.librarybytes.com/ Library
Bytes: Helene Blowers' blog

http://www.techcrunch.com/ Tech
Crunch: news on newest web 2.0 tools

Helene's delicious account for this presentation:


Sunday, May 20, 2007

Starting off

It seems that every library organization around has set up a Web 2.0 exploration program based on the PLCMC's Learning 2.0 program. Like the overachiever that I strive to be, I am doing both the CSLA and InfoPeople's versions. I suspect that they are all fairly similar, and I am excited about learning more about the new web technologies and how they can enhance libraries and their interactions with their patrons.